A common question we get from potential clients is “How are you going to invest our money?” This is a reasonable question, but it’s not an easy one to answer in a sound bite, so here is a slightly longer explanation.
Ideas to Increase Your Income So You Can Quit Your Job Early and Travel the World
How to Really Build Your Wealth
How do we become wealthy? Our clients often ask this of us, naturally, as their financial advisors. Sometimes they’re surprised to hear us not say, “Save more,” “Don’t accrue too much debt,” or “Put your investments here or there,” as a first course of action. Of course, long-term savings of at least 10–15% of your income starting at a young age, combined with a decent investment plan left untouched for long periods of time, will inevitably produce substantial amounts of wealth. However, if you really want to get ahead, invest in yourself—and keep investing in yourself!