With the $3.5 trillion dollar infrastructure bill facing a reconciliation vote, high income earners and the ultra wealthy are clearly in the crosshairs of tax hikes, putting the need for estate liquidity back on the forefront of transfer tax planning. Read More >
Is Inflation Haunting Your Financial Dreams? Part 2: What We Can Do About It
Is Inflation Haunting Your Financial Dreams? Part 1: What We Know
Common question: Are we in a housing bubble?
The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021: Understanding The 2021 Recovery Rebate Stimulus Payments
Cryptocurrency – Earning, Storing, and Spending (Part 2 of 3)
What Is Fiduciary Investment Advice, and Why Does It Matter (Now More Than Ever)?
How do you know when an investment recommendation is worth heeding? Red tape and legal jargon aside, it’s about finding an advisor who exemplifies a few simple ideals. Read More >
Eight “Best/Worst” Wealth Strategies During the Coronavirus
For better or worse, many of us have had more time than usual to engage in new or different pursuits in 2020. Even if you’re as busy as ever, you may well be revisiting routines you have long taken for granted. Let’s cover eight of the most and least effective ways to spend your time shoring up your financial well-being in the time of the coronavirus.
Memorial Day: The power of remembering the future – move “regrets” in front of our decisions.
What you need to know about the $2 Trillion CARES Act, also known as the “Coronavirus Relief Package”
The Philosophy of Fees
Planning in the Face of Uncertainty—Part 2
The First Step: The Journey of Financial Planning
What I Learned at The Gathering
The Client 1 Method: Why Market Predictions Can Derail Your Portfolio
What Really Drives Our Financial Decisions?
Fear and the Fork in the Road: Don’t Let Potentially Negative Outcomes Paralyze Your Decision-Making
Money Management 101 for Kids
You have taught your kids how to read and how to ride a bike, but have you taught them how to manage their money? If you still have children at home, save them (and yourself) some heartache by teaching them the basics of money management. Read More >
Dealing with Our Parents as Elders: The Need for Control—Different Culture, Same Issue
As adult children, we need to give our aging parents what they need most: the control to manage their life and shape their legacy. Read More >